Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ian loves Turkey...and Turkey loves Ian

On our flight to Turkey, 2 Turkish women took an interest in Ian while we were waiting to board. It was great - they even offered to take Ian back to their seats for a while during the flight. Here's a pic of Ian with his new friends:

We thought we were just lucky on the flight, but it turns out that those women were not out of the ordinary. People in Turkey LOVE Ian. Yes, Ian gets admirers in Japan, but it's nothing like Turkey. Turks love all babies in general. Men, women, young, old...they all love babies. They just can't resist reaching over to pinch, kiss, and squeeze babies to pieces.

A couple shopkeepers gave Ian a wrapped chocolate bar to play with. (which Ryan and I ended up eating later)

On a boat ride these teenagers came over and wanted to pick up Ian. He actually wasn't as excited about them as they were in him. We're hoping that feeling continues in his teen years...

In addition to all of the Turkish love, Ian also had Rani and Erika's attention as well. Does life get any better than this?

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