Monday, July 5, 2010

Iris Garden

A week ago our Japanese teacher mentioned she visited an iris garden nearby. This garden is popular in the area, but we had never heard about it. On a Friday afternoon we headed out to Shobuen. We lucked out - there weren't many people there and the flowers were blooming!

Here are some women dead-heading the irises.

I love the combo of the beautiful outfits with the matching boots! Only in Japan would you find the gardening staff dressed in such beautiful outfits.

The irises were gorgeous!

Ian loved the park...mostly because he could crawl around in it. We tried to get pictures of him with the iris in the background and he figured out how to lunge for the camera. We love this picture below:

As you can see, there are just rows and rows of irises.

Ian did take a moment to ponder the flowers...or ponder something...

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