The weekend before Ian and I flew to MN we went to Hakone, which is an area near Mt. Fuji. It was great to get up into the mountain and lakes region. During our time there we stopped at a sculpture park that is definitely one of the top 3 museums we've ever seen. The sculptures and landscaping were wonderful...but on top of that they also had some fun places for kids to play. You have to be under 12 to play on the pieces, so we had to live vicariously through Ian.
This piece was done by a Canadian artist. It was essentially a huge, colorful hammock that kids could play in. They could hang and swing on the giant balls and also climb up high into the main hammock.
He did ok when we placed him in the ring...
...but was freaked out when we placed him in the hole. Tears erupted right after I took this photo.
We also went to one other museum in the area that is also in our top 3 museums. This museum displayed the work of Itchiku Kubota, an artist who designed and created kimonos as art. His artwork is incredible and they way they designed the museum was spectacular. Unfortunately, the pictures we took don't really capture the landscaping and you can't photograph the kimonos. These museums are reasons #145 and #146 why you need to come visit us.
I would love to take my family for a vacation there! Especially after reading your blog and seeing that they have so many Fun Places for Kids as well as adults. I envy and look up to what you and your wife have done,thats very brave!